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Infinity Chronicles Book Four: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Series Page 24
Infinity Chronicles Book Four: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Series Read online
Page 24
“Eating,” the guys chorus.
Maggie chuckles. “What’ll ya have?”
The guys look to me, waiting for me to go first. “Any soup today?”
“Vegetable beef and broccoli cheddar,” Maggie tells me.
“I’ll have the broccoli, but may I have some bread, too please?” I fold my arms on the table, thinking the hot soup will be perfect. I need to see if Gus is willing to share any of his recipes. As soon as we get the kitchen done, I plan on putting it to good use.
“You got it. Boys?” Maggie looks around the table.
“Lasagna,” Milo pipes up first.
“Cali burger and cheese sticks for me,” Ollie adds, leaving just Dante to order.
“I’ll have a bowl of veggie soup, a bacon burger, extra bacon, and fries, please.”
“Hungry?” Maggie teases. We all know Dante is always hungry. “I’ll go tell Gus, shouldn’t be too long. Help yourselves to some drinks.” She waves over her shoulder on her way to the kitchen.
“I’ll get them. What do you want, Muenster?” Ollie puts both palms on the table, getting ready to stand.
“I’ll help,” I offer, standing too.
“Guys, usual?” Ollie checks with Milo and Dante, while I head over to the soda machine. “Three cokes, and a fruit punch for you, right?” Ollie says when he meets me behind the counter.
“Yup, probably didn’t even need to ask.” I snicker, filling the sodas.
When we return to our seats, I’m struck by how different things were for us just a few short months ago. I thought they were only hanging out with be because they felt sorry for me. Was I really that clueless, or were they really good at hiding how they felt? I scoff, they were kinda assholes half the time back then, no wonder I was so confused.
Milo tilts his head at me when I make the sound. “What?”
“I was just thinking about how much things have changed over the last few months.”
“That they have.” Dante places his palm above my knee on my thigh.
I lean my head on his shoulder. “I can’t believe I fell asleep on you guys that first day.” I cover my face with my hands. Even though the embarrassment is old, it’s still there.
“Awe, you were exhausted, Muenster. I wish you would have told us what was going on sooner.” Ollie reaches across the table and pulls my hand down from my face.
“I don’t think any of us were great at communication back then.” I look up when the chime rings from habit. Ares slinks through the door, a tiny grin tipping one side of his lips.
“How did you know we’d be here?” Dante asks, as Ares pulls a chair from a nearby table and sets it at the end of our booth. He leans over and plants a soft slow kiss on my lips. “Hi,” he whispers, just for me.
“Hi,” I whisper back.
“I tracked your phones,” Ares answers Dante’s question.
“We ordered, do you want me to run and give Gus an order for you?” I offer, ready to stand.
“No, no. I got it. Dinner or just a snack?” He looks around the table.
“Everyone got a meal,” I answer for us.
“Okay, be right back.” He leans down and kisses me again before going. When I look up, I notice Delaney. She’s sitting a few booths down from us with an older girl who looks strikingly similar next to her, with her fingers curled over the top of Delaney’s arm.
“Shit,” I curse looking down. There’s a man in the booth with them, I can see the back of his short hair, but he’s all the way over in the corner. I can’t believe I didn’t notice her sooner.
“What’s wrong?” Dante looks around.
Through my teeth, I grate, “Delaney is here.”
“So?” Dante snorts.
“So, she just watched Ares kiss me… after I kissed you at school.” I want to bang my head on the table. I can already imagine the shit she’s going to spread around school. Not that it probably won’t be true, but they won’t understand it.
“It’s none of her fucking business,” Ollie spouts, looking over his shoulder to glare in her direction.
The young woman next to Delaney has her eyes locked on Ares’s back as he heads into the kitchen. She taps Delaney’s shoulder and starts scooting out of the bench before she has a chance to get up.
Stumbling, Delaney rises, her lips pinched. I watch the young woman lift her hand and call out, “Hey, Ares.” She almost sounds shocked to have found him here. Ares looks over his shoulder, his eyes shrewd.
“Oh my goodness! You are back in Canton.” The woman approaches Ares, her arms open like she’s going to move in for a hug. This must be the sister she told me about, the one who warned her to stay away from the Costas.
When she’s within touching distance, Ares slides both of his hands into his front pockets. “Brenda, right?” Ares tips his head to the side.
“Brianne,” she corrects him, her voice low. Taking the hint, she slows her approach and fluffs the side of her hair, letting her arms fall to her sides as if they weren’t lifted to embrace him. “I ran into Mia the other day, she said you were back.” Her smile is wide as she stares up at Ares. “Delaney even mentioned seeing you a few weeks ago.” She motions over her shoulder at the table where her sister is.
I trade a glance with Delaney, but she looks down at the table, her face pinched. The man across from her doesn’t even look over in his other daughter’s direction.
“Are you staying in town?” Brianne takes another step closer to Ares, like she can’t help herself.
“Not in Canton, but nearby, yes,” Ares confirms. “I was just about…” His voice trails off as Maggie comes out of the kitchen door. “To put an order in,” he finishes, sounding defeated.
“I figured you’d show up.” Maggie gives Ares a good glare, even going as far as to put her hands on her hips and look down her nose at him.
He has the good sense to look contrite. “Hey, Maggie.” His voice is sweet and young sounding.
“Don’t you try that with me. I’m still cross with you,” she scolds. Brianne is still standing way too close and absorbing every spoken word.
Ares lets his shoulders droop a little. “Would it help if I apologized?” Maggie lifts her brows like she’s waiting.
Ares looks over at Brianne. “Excuse me,” he tells her, and steps closer to Maggie. I know he would rather Brianne not witness it, but he lifts his chin up and gives all his attention to the grandmotherly figure in front of him. “Sorry I was a miserable asshole, Mags. I was stupid with worry about Laura, which isn’t an excuse.” He nods his head once when he’s finished.
A wide smile unfolds on Maggie’s face. “Now that all that’s sorted, I don’t expect it will be happening again,” she warns him.
“It won’t,” he promises.
Her smile turns a little sideways. “Now, you have to talk to Gus. He might not be as easy to convince,” she cautions.
Ares pushes into the kitchen, ignoring the fact that Brianne is still standing there waiting for him.
“Oh, I’ll just catch him when he comes out,” she says quickly, mostly to herself, and rushes back to the table. Delaney scoots in and takes the inside corner. Their heads drop close together as Brianne’s lips move furiously in a whisper.
Ollie and Milo both turn back around to face Dante and me. Ollie rolls his eyes. “She reeks of desperation. Not a good look on anyone,” he sneers.
It’s a good five minutes before Ares comes out of the kitchen with his hand on the back of his neck. The bell, indicating an order is up, rings immediately after. Maggie gives Ares’s arm a pat as she heads to the window to pick up our order. Milo slides out of the booth to help her.
When I go to stand, Ares lays his hand on my shoulder and takes his seat at the end of our table. “They got it.” His hand smooths down my arm and he dips his face close to mine, I lean forward on instinct and let him give me another soft kiss. When I pull back, I lick my lips. He tastes like the icing on top of a cinnamon roll, delicious.
nbsp; “Here I thought you were in there apologizing, but you were eating dessert.”
“I did a little of both. Couldn’t let Maggie think Gus let me off too easily.” Ares winks at me.
The woman in question hefts a tray over to the table and starts distributing everyone’s orders except Ares, his comes a few minutes later.
“Heads up. She’s coming over,” Dante grumbles in a low tone. I glance up to see Brianne walking over to our table with Delaney walking behind her, looking almost reluctant.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to catch you before I take off.” She waits like she’s expecting Ares to reply. When he doesn’t, she shoves her hand out in front on me like she wants to shake my hand. “Hi, I’m Brianne. Ares and I go way back.” She glances at him and licks her bottom lip. The suggestion couldn’t be clearer.
I leave her hand hanging. “Laura,” I tell her meeting her eyes.
“So, Delaney told me you were dating Dante?” Her head tilts to the side like she’s genuinely confused. She peeks at Ares from the corner of her eye.
I ball up my napkin. “Yup,” I confirm. “And Ares.” I tilt my head in his direction. “And Milo.” Milo actually raises his hand like she might not know who he is. Then I finish off with, “And Ollie.” If Delaney is going to talk shit, might as well give her something to chew on.
Delaney snaps her head up at my proclamation.
“This isn’t a joke.” Brianne narrows her eyes on me. “She saw you kissing Dante today.”
“Never said it was.” My tone is bored.
Brianne looks around the table, her announcement isn’t going like she expected. “That’s it? They just pass you around?” She laughs darkly, making it sound filthy.
“Don’t. Just don’t.” Ares doesn’t say anything else, doesn’t need to.
Brianne’s mouth pops open, her eyes are wide like she’s in shock. “Ah, you guys are freaks.”
Ollie snorts. “You’re just jealous. Move along, kiddos.” He dismisses them with a wave of his hand.
Brianne turns on her heel and storms away, but Delaney is still standing there until her sister grabs her arm and drags her away.
Once they’re gone, I whisper, “Sorry, guys. Might not have been the best way to handle that, but I’m really tired of Delaney’s shit.”
“I’m not complaining. Who gives a fuck what she or anyone else thinks?” Milo reaches over to Ollie’s plate and snatches a pickle.
I look around at them, amazed that we’ve come this far. Not that long ago I probably would have sat there and let Delaney and her sister be bitches: just kept my head down and been too worried about everyone else’s reaction to say anything back. Hell, I didn’t even have the confidence to even think about being with all the guys, let alone say it out loud. A warmth blooms inside me. I’m finally feeling like this life is mine to take, to enjoy.
Dante places his hand on my leg and continues eating like we weren’t interrupted. When I look over, Ares is watching me, his eyes dark, as if he knows exactly what I’m thinking. I still think he can read my mind sometimes. I stick my tongue out at him—childish, I know, but fun anyway.
He smiles the smile that is only mine, the one that goes all the way up into his onyx eyes. He looks a little devious, but he’s the furthest thing from it. It’s filled with love and acceptance.
Chapter 27
I palm the key to Ares’s Rover. I’m heading over to Rosa’s to see my mom and Wyatt today, alone. I’m not really worried about my license. I’ll be eighteen soon, so there’s no point in getting a permit. Ollie offered to come with me, but I need to do this on my own.
I shove the fob into the pocket of my jeans and climb into the plush interior. It smells like a combination of Ares and leather. Gripping the steering wheel with both hands, I let out a long breath. I’m not worried about driving, not even in this fancy-ass truck. No, I’m nervous about seeing my parents again. My parents… that feels weird to even think.
They know I’m coming, and so does Rosa, so there’s no backing out. Gearing myself up, I hit the button to start the car. There’s no turning back now. I can do this.
The drive over feels way too short. I’m pulling into the driveway before I know it, and the cheery yellow house looms before me. I park in front of the garage, not getting out immediately. I’ve accepted that the guys aren’t going to abandon me, but I’m not as confident with my mom.
A knock on the window startles me. With my hand over my heart, I roll down the window and find a grinning Mal. “Hey, Laura, didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s okay.” I shake my head in denial. “I was zoned out.”
“I just wanted to let you know we’re running out for a bit.” He studies me. “That okay?” He’s asking if I’m okay being alone with my mom and Wyatt.
“Yeah, totally fine. Do I need to move?” I inquire, concerned about where I’m parked.
“No, we’re good. See you in a little bit,” Mal tells me, before knocking on the roof of the car.
“See ya.” My voice is small as he turns away and jogs back into the side door of the house. When I climb out of the car, I tap my back pocket, feeling for my phone. I’ve only had it a short time, but I’ve already come to rely on it.
As I reach the side door, William is opening it. “Hey, pretty girl, how are you?” He ruffles the top of my hair.
“I’m good, how are you?”
“Good, good.” He looks over his shoulder than places his hand near his mouth, and whispers, “We won’t be gone long.”
“Thanks,” I whisper back, and a little bit of relief enters my tone.
Rosa enters the mudroom, her shoes already on and her purse over her arm. “Ciao, Laura, you look pretty.” She leans forward and gives me a short hug.
“Thank you.” I find myself saying again, brushing my hands over my stomach.
“Your mom is in the kitchen,” she says, and walks out the door William is still holding open.
“Okay, have fun.” I wave a little awkwardly as they leave. Mal enters the mudroom soon after, following them outside.
I kick off my shoes and toe them over near the wall. I really should quit stalling. I’m sure Rosa or Mal already mentioned I’d arrived. It’s a little strange being here without one of the guys.
I find my way to the kitchen. Other than Ares’s room, it’s where we always spent the most time here. “Wow.” I’m struck almost speechless at the changes. It looks like one of the holiday magazines you see in the checkout lane at the grocery store.
I don’t even notice my mom curled up on the sofa next to a fat Christmas tree until she speaks. “Pretty amazing, huh?” She looks around at the little touches of Christmas dotted all over the room.
“How long have they been working on this?” I sit on the edge on the sofa opposite her.
“I don’t think it took them very long. One day, it was just all here.” Mom’s lips turn down. “But I’ve been a pretty preoccupied. You came alone?” She looks over to the door I came through.
“Yeah, just me today. Where’s Wyatt?”
“He should be right out.” Mom places her book on the couch next to her.
“You read?” It’s the second time I’ve seen her with a book.
She looks over at it. “I used to. I have been again recently.”
“So, that’s where I get it. I never knew. You didn’t read much, that I noticed.” I don’t mean to already bring the conversation back to how she used to be, but I can’t help it.
“No, I guess I didn’t,” she agrees. “How’s school going?” She balls up her hands in her lap.
“Okay, I guess. I’ve only been back for a few days.” This small talk is hard. It’s not something we ever really did before.
The sound of shuffling footsteps has me turning to find Wyatt walking slowly in from the direction of Ares’s old bedroom.
“Hi there,” he greets me, his voice bright. I take a second to note the changes in his appearance. His hair looks
a little fuller and not nearly as dull. And that’s just the beginning. His frame has filled out. He’s still thin, but his entire bearing has changed. He looks taller, and he moves with more confidence—it’s almost alarming.
I look over at my mom and watch the shift in her as well. The change in her is more subtle, but it’s still there. She moves her body so it’s angled toward him, her hands fall open, and even the rigidity in her shoulders falls away.
Wyatt comes over to my sofa and takes a seat on the opposite end. “I’m glad you stopped by.”
“Sure…” I flounder, looking for something to say.
“Rosa told us you guys bought a house?” he continues.
“Ares did… well, I guess we did.” I tilt my head, thinking about it. It’s still strange to think of their money as our money.
“She mentioned you guys are doing some work on it,” Wyatt encourages, keeping the conversation going.
“Yeah.” I breathe out a huff of air, at least this gives me something to talk about. “Ollie was thinking about just staying there until we built something further back on the property, but I like it. I think the guys are coming to like it too.”
“What kind of work are you guys doing? I used to work with my dad, he ran a construction crew.” He gets a little more comfortable, leaning back into the sofa.
“Right now, they’re fixing up the basement or lower level part, but I think they’re almost done with that.”
“I was going to make some coffee, want some?” My mom asks, standing. I look at Wyatt, waiting for his response. “Laura?”
“Oh, yeah…sure, I guess,” I stammer, surprised she was talking to me. She moves to the kitchen without Wyatt answering.
Wyatt and I talk for a few minutes about the renovations before my mom comes back with two large, white mugs in her hands. She holds one out to me.
“It sounds like it will be really nice when it’s finished.” She smiles down at me, waiting for me to take the mug.
A little surprised she was listening, I nod. “It is nice, and it will be really nice once it’s done,” I agree.