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Beautiful Deceit Page 29

I tangle my fingers with hers and pull her to a small sofa. I place our hands on my thigh, waiting for her to settle in.

  Her eyes peer up to mine, questioning.

  “We haven’t really talked a lot about what was happening, before Darryl abducted you.” She flinches the tiniest bit when I say his name. Squeezing my fingers, she starts to glide the back of her hand up and down my thigh, nervously. She stays silent, not asking where this is going, so I continue, “Remember when we thought someone was in the apartment below yours?”

  My brows raise, and she looks away from me.

  Her head tilts.

  “It was him.”

  It’s not a question. Her voice has gone flat and her hand freezes. She stares out straight ahead, lost in thought.

  “I can’t believe I forgot about that,” She adds quietly to herself.

  “You’ve had a lot on your mind Samantha. I wasn’t keeping it from you.” I explain, “Not on purpose anyway.” I lean forward, trying to catch her expression.

  Her eyes narrow. She tugs her hand free of mine, scooting forward so she’s perched on the sofa’s edge.

  It’s the first time since she’s been home that I see anger flicker across her features.


  Her head drops down, and her good elbow rests on her knee.

  “I can’t believe he’s going to take my home from me too.” Her head turns to me, tears brimming the edge of her lashes, but it’s anger I see most in her expression, not sorrow.

  I blow out a breath.

  “It doesn’t have to be forever. If you want to go back there and live there,” I swallow thickly, dreading stepping back inside that place now that I have her back. “We could do that if that’s what you want. We can do that.”

  She shakes her head, her jaw tightens as her lips tremble.

  “No…no. I don’t think I do. Does that make me weak?”

  I tug her back to my chest.

  I respond hoarsely, “Never!”

  Her body softens against mine.

  We spend some much-needed time in each other’s arms.

  We fly home.

  The jet is small, but large enough to hold Sam, both my parents, Brian, and me. Samantha looks up, a question in her eyes.

  “Are you nervous?”

  She shrugs, not taking her eyes off the jet, “It seems so small. I guess I’ve never flown in something this small.” Her big blue eyes turn to mine.

  I smile and drop a kiss to her temple, “Come on. If you get scared, I’ll promise to find a way to distract you.” I wiggle my brows at her.

  She rolls her eyes at me but grins back.

  After we board, I grab the iPad I bought her to read on. She checks the store’s emails and Facebook page, before pulling up a crossword puzzle.

  "I don't know why I didn't already have one of these things, it's so convenient." I'm glad she likes it. Although, I haven't seen her open the iBook app once.

  “Book Purist,” I huff, and she glares, but doesn’t say anything against it.

  When we land there is a car waiting for us. Sammy laughs, then grabs her stomach, cutting the lovely sound off prematurely. I'm sure she’s in pain. A wince crosses her face.

  She looks at me and smiles, "Mr. Big-stuff." She winks, "No normal town car for us. No, we get the tank of limos riding with you!"

  Her smile makes me smile, so instead of telling her I got it so it would be easier for her to get in and out of, I play along, "Are you kidding? I'd never fit in a regular ole town car."

  She rolls her eyes, "Haven't we talked about that ego of yours?"

  My dad is standing next to me, he sighs, "I like this girl."

  I punch his shoulder playfully, "Hey old man, you already got one. Eyes off mine."

  He chuckles and looks over at my mother, "Boy, I couldn't keep up with two."

  When my mom catches us looking. She waves and gives my dad a saucy smile.

  "Gross," I mutter like a sullen teenager.

  Brian takes a separate car. Waiting, he waves us off. He's going back to Sammy’s other apartment. He promises to come see us soon at the townhouse.

  After the day of travel she’s beat, falling asleep with her head on my shoulder five minutes into the long car ride home. When we pull up to the building, I'm tempted to carry her, but I know she'd wake up. I don’t want to startle her.

  I quietly usher my parents from the car and wake her gently.

  "Sammy, time to wake up, sleeping beauty." She smiles but doesn't move to get up. I try to bait her, "I have it on good authority that there’s a bed, a really comfy bed, just a few steps away. One that’s large and surrounded by walls.” She cracks open an eye, tempted, even if she’s still too sore. “Do you want me to carry you, Sweets? You know I will." I tease.

  I really would love to, but I know she wouldn't want that, especially in front of my parents.

  "I'm comfy now," she pouts closing her eyes.

  "Baby if I really thought you were comfortable, I'd make them keep this behemoth parked here indefinitely, but you’re not. Let's go have a look around. You can even skip right to the bedroom, I'm good with that." I deepen my voice on the last line, the way I know she likes.

  Her eyelids lift, her smolder evident, "You're evil. You know that right?"

  I switch tactics, "You could check out the kitchen. The guy I’m renting it from is a chef. He didn't want to let it go, but he was opening a new restaurant in Vegas and doesn’t think he’ll be back much, for a few years." I shrug like it's still her choice.

  She lets her head lull back, her beautiful blue eyes stare into mine, "Thank you for taking such good care of me. I really do love you." Her lips press on mine sweetly.

  When she pulls away to open the door, my hands wrap around her shoulders, "Maybe I was a little hasty. It is pretty comfortable in here." I pull her back and give her mouth the attention that I desperately want to give her entire body. It's our first passionate kiss in days. I was too afraid of hurting her at the hospital, and I haven’t wanted to push her, before she was ready.

  I take advantage of the stolen moment and show her what I feel for her with my kiss.

  When she reluctantly pulls back, her eyes are dark and needy.

  "Don't look at me like that Sweets. We have two more weeks before we get paroled," I groan and adjust myself.

  Her eyes latch on to where my hand is. Her right hand inches up my thigh.

  "I could taste you, if I sit down here," she points to the floor. "I wouldn't even have to move much. I bet if I just leaned forward a tiny bit, I could catch you with my mouth." I love when she talks like this, confident and sexy. If it was any other time, I'd be feeding her my cock, but I can't, not yet.

  "As much as I want your mouth on me baby, I can't. When you’re better, I plan on keeping you in bed for days, but I need to I know that you are healed before I can touch you how I want."

  Her face falls, and she nods.

  I can tell she still feels rejected.

  I grab her hand and make her feel how much I want her.

  "Don't ever think I don't want you. I always want you, and I'll have you, just as soon as I know it's safe for you, understand?" It comes out more like an order than a question, but she gives me a small smile, so I know she’s not mad.

  The driver hits the intercom, "Mr. Huntington one of the other passengers is returning. I've locked the doors. Should I inform them when you will be out?" Sam blushes, realizing someone witnessed our exchange.

  "It's okay. You can unlock them, we're coming out now." I hear a small click.

  I open the door before one of my parents can.

  "Oh honey, there you are. I was just making sure our girl was up and you weren't harassing her." My mom eyeballs me like she knows exactly what we were up to.

  "No Lynn, it was me. I didn't want to wake up." Sammy saves me. I give my mom a look to prove I'm a good boy.

  She makes an exaggerated tsk, "Well are you coming or what?" She turns back around and h
eads back inside, before I can answer.

  I can hear Sammy’s low laugh from behind me where she's still in the car.

  "Yeah yeah, come here you troublemaker," she eases out the door slowly, and I help her stand.

  We turn and get our first look at the new place together.

  “Pretty great,” I say.

  She sniffs dramatically, “It’ll do.”

  As punishment, I gently lift her off her feet and walk her up the steps to the open door. She screeches. I pause thinking I hurt her, but a fit of giggles follows.

  Chapter 32

  The brownstone is even better than I'd imagined, I think, as I take a long gulp of my coffee mug before we leave.

  Sammy fell in love with the kitchen as soon as she saw it. She loved the exposed bricks and we've both come to value the beauty of a bedroom door.

  I put down my mug and walk to the front door. I don't think she or I will ever stop missing her studio. It was our home, before that bastard defiled it.

  We've been here a week. Today is the first day she's going back to the bookstore.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to get settled a little more?” I ask, leaning against the wall.

  She stands up from bending to put her shoes on, “Beau, we’ve gone over this. I’m ready to take back some control. I feel like I’m hiding out. I need to move forward.”

  She’s right, if she’s ready. I’ll be right there with her.

  “Sorry, I know. You’re right.”

  Samantha approaches me slowly. Her hand reaches up and glides over my stubbled cheek.

  “Don’t apologize Beau. I know this hasn’t been easy on you.”

  I clasp my hand over hers, “You’re so stro—” her lips land on mine. Stopping my words.

  “You keep saying that. I hope that one day I might actually feel it.”

  “You will,” I promise.

  Samantha tugs her coat sleeve over her purple cast. Pulling it down to the wrist, effectively hiding it. We made a small slit in the fabric so it would fit. Most of the physical evidence of her injuries are faded. I know she wants to hide the rest from her employees.

  We take a cab to the bookstore. She’s nervous. Her knuckles are white on her lap as she runs her hands over her thighs.

  I open my door, handing the cabbie cash. She looks up at me with wide eyes and parted lips. I nearly climb back in and pull her in my lap. I know she needs to be here.

  She places her hand in mine and steps out of car, onto the sidewalk.

  “It feels like ages since I’ve been here.” She stops and looks at the front window of her store with mixed emotions on her face, “Someone had the windows done for the holidays.”

  I look up, catching what she’s referring to. Gold and red ribbons swirl around the corners with small green wreaths painted at the bottom center of each window. It’s subtle, but the effect is elegant. I rub my hand over her shoulder and down her back letting it rest on her waist. I don’t want to rush this moment.

  A handful of seconds later the door opens. Jude peers around with Jess on his heels.

  Samantha’s head turns toward them. A grin breaks free from her lips. That’s all the invitation he needs to rush over to her. I stand back, giving them room to embrace.

  When he pulls back to look at her, I see a few small tears escape from her eyes. Jude’s eyes search hers.

  "God I missed you!" He says. I can feel how true the statement is for him. She giggles through her tears, and he sweeps her away into the store, chatting the whole time. She looks back over her shoulder, making sure I'm following, still not realizing I'd follow her anywhere.

  Jess is much more hesitant. She watches Samantha as she takes a good look around the store. Sam’s fingers glide over the wooden checkout counter and continue to the new release display. Eventually she looks up, wearing a small smile as she turns to Jess. “I see you didn’t dust while I was gone.” Sam tries at humor to break the tension.

  Jess’s shoulders fall, and she starts crying. Samantha makes it over to her within a few strides. She wraps her arm around Jess. Jess lifts her arms to return her embrace.

  “Why am I crying? I’m so happy to see you!” She tries to explain.

  “I knew you were okay, I mean we’ve talked, but seeing you. Oh god, Sam. I’m so sorry.”

  Samantha pulls back but keeps her arms around her friend’s waist, “It’s good to see you too.”

  A few words are exchanged in a low whisper. I don’t even try to overhear. They have another quick embrace and part, both wearing smiles.

  Samantha spends a little time greeting some of her regular customers with a genuine smile and a few words. Her hesitation from earlier is entirely gone now.

  Jude makes her a large coffee with the creamer she prefers while talking to her about the new updates at the coffee counter. George makes a special trip in to see her too. He breaks the news to her that he's only been working a couple days a week for the past month, because his old hands just don't seem to work as well anymore. The news makes her sad, but she doesn't let it show.

  My sweet Sammy plasters a smile on her face and tells him how great it is that now he'll have more time to stop by for dinner.

  The relief on his face tells me how hard it was for him to admit how much he’s been struggling.

  George lays his hand on hers, “The girls from the book club will be happy to know you’re back. We canceled last month after…well you know. Just didn’t feel right without you.”

  Her eyes get a little glossy when she hears this, but she plays it off like they were being silly. I know deep down it feels good to know how much she was missed.

  When we leave, she has a real smile on her lips. She stops and kisses me right in front of the door. Using my shirt to pull me down to her mouth.

  She speaks right to my lips, "Thank you," before stealing my breath with a scorching kiss.

  Jess shouts out an, "Atta girl," and whistles loudly. Sam leans back, staring up at me, not a hint of a blush is on her cheeks. She just stole my breath in front of the whole room, and all I can feel is desire radiating from her.

  “Let's go home Sweets," I say, having collected my breath. She grabs my hand then lifts her concealed cast, waving to her friends.

  Her eyes are heavy when she sits in the back of the cab. She sighs a sound of contentment and snuggles her body close to mine. I can already tell how much good it's done for her to be at the store, to see her friends.

  I hope that after she meets with her new therapist later this week, we can keep moving forward. I know she's strong enough to get past the damage he's caused.

  Within a few weeks, I can’t keep her from returning to work. Only a few days, at my insistence. It’s not that I don’t want her at the store. I just don’t want her rushing into anything and exhausting herself. I go in with her, watching her as she works. It takes a week before she finally tells me to go home.

  I spend my time at home from then on. I start work on a few projects, mostly behind the scenes. I’m thinking about doing some theater, I mean I’m in New York after all. I’m not sure if I’m ready though to put myself back out there, yet. My life is so different now. The one thing I know, with any certainty, is that she will always be it for me.

  I sit outside our stoop, reading a script and waiting for her to return from work. The early spring breeze is nice, and I have flipflops of my feet. I know she will comment the second she spots them.

  A shadow is still hanging over us.

  Darryl’s sentencing is scheduled for the middle of June. By some small miracle, he plead guilty to kidnapping and assault with the intent to do great bodily harm. Both charges combined should make it so he never sees the light of day again.

  I put down the script, knowing my mind isn’t in it. I turn to better topics. I’ve been trying to decide if I should wait to propose until it’s all over. My mom says it won't matter, because she already knows what Sammy’s answer will be.

  You need to just go with w
hat feels right. She said over the phone. They returned home months ago. I think about those words as I feel the small box in my pocket that I’ve been carrying around for a few weeks. Every day I’ve had it, and it gets harder not to drop to my knees and ask her.

  I’ve lived this moment a thousand times. I'll watch her face when she hopefully says yes, and it will be such a beautiful sight. I won't need a photo to remember how her eyes will light up or need a video to recall the sound of her gasp in surprise when she hears me ask those special words.

  Yup, tonight is the night. I'm almost giddy, and I'll never in my life admit that I'm acknowledging that fact. I laugh at myself and continue to wait for Sam’s return home.

  “Beau," Sammy calls from our bedroom. I close the door to my study and take the stairs two at a time. I can hear her muttering to herself, before I reach the door.

  "Stupid zipper," she curses, as I round the door. The sight before me has me frozen in my tracks.

  Her back is to the door, the dress she’s trying to zip up must be stuck, as it gapes open, exposing the soft curve of her ass and the creamy skin of her back. An upside-down triangle is cut into the top of her panties. She arches, trying to tug up the zipper.

  "Maybe if your ass wasn't so big it wouldn't be stuck!" she exclaims to herself.

  "Awe baby, don’t be like that. I love your ass." I say, stepping into the room. I hear her huff of frustration.

  “Beau can you zip me? Is this too small?" I know she wants help dressing, but all I want to do is remove the the fabric that's keeping me from her soft skin.

  My voice deepens as I run my hands under the zipper all the way to the bottom.

  "It's not too small Sweets, but I think it needs to come off." She wears the sexiest panties. They leave her entire ass exposed to my eyes.

  I reach under the fabric and cup her full ass in my hand and squeeze.

  "Beau," she whines, her back already arching, pushing her ass into my hand. "We're going to be late," she warns, sounding breathless.

  My sweet Sammy has an appetite that rivals mine own, so I know I've already won. She lets me push the dress from her shoulders. It pools at her feet.